3 December 2021
Online Seminar no. 1
Resource saving – storm water management in urban areas
The Online Seminar Series started on 3 December 2021 with a lecture on Resource saving – stormwater management in urban areas. The talk was given by Dr. Lothar Fuchs, CEO of project partner the Institute for Technical and Scientific hydrology Ltd. (ihtw). The course focused on considerations about how to save valuable water resources through the transition from grey to green infrastructure and included an overview and discussion on the main components of both approaches, exemplified by examples of successful implementation.

13 January 2023
Online Seminar no. 2
Managed aquifer recharge: challenges and opportunities
In this lecture given by Dr. Catalin Stefan, the opportunities for a managed recharge of the aquifers (MAR) is introduced, together with typical challenges related to its implementation. The talk will a general introduction and motivation to MAR, will present and discuss the main planning aspects and will provide insides from selected examples worldwide.

17 February 2023
Online Seminar no. 3
Managed aquifer recharge: worldwide examples and best practices

10 March 2023
Online Seminar no. 4
Application of stable water isotopes in hydrology and hydrogeology of Astana region

5 May 2023
Online Seminar no. 5
Web-based groundwater modelling (1): Introduction to simulation platform INOWAS