
  • Yapiyev, V., Ongdas, N., Pinkerneil, S., Samarkhanov, K., Kabdeshev, A., Karakulov, Y., Muzdybaev, M., Atalikhova, A., Stefan, C., Sagin, J., Fustic, M. (2024) The exploratory dataset of isotopic composition of different water sources across Kazakhstan. Data in Brief, 54, 110360.

Conference presentations

  • Stefan, C., Ongdas, N., Sallwey, J., Fuchs, K., Yapiyev, V., Fuchs, L., Sarbassov, D., Sagintaev, J. (2024) Digital simulation tools for the prevention, protection, and prediction of negative impacts of climate change and urbanisation on the local and regional water resources. Presentation at the International Online Conference Silk Road of Knowledge: Scientific and Practical Conference. Online, 22-23 February 2024.
  • Fuchs, K., Sallwey, J., Stefan, C., Fuchs, L., Ongdas, N. (2023) Urbane Wasserwirtschaft: Deutsche Expertise für kasachische Städte (TERESA). Presentation at Aqua Urbanica 2023. Die wasser- und schadstoffbewusste Stadt: Klimaangepasstes Regenwassermanagement trifft Schadstoffproblematik. 9-10 October 2023, Munich, Germany
  • Navruzshoev, H., Sagin, J., Kyrgyzbay, K., Kakimzhanov, Y., Navruzshoev, D., Yapiyev, V., Sarsekova, D., Stefan, C., Ongdas, N., Dedova, A., Amanzholova, R., Zhapayev, R., Ospanbayev, Z., Akshalov, K., Snow, D., Duisebek, B., Absametov, M., Orynbayev, S., Abdlahatova, N., Saparova, N., Toderich, K., Tulegenova, N., Koybakov, S. (2022) Space science support for farmers to grow profitable drought resistant crops, without harming nature. Presentation at AGU Fall Meeting, Chicaco, IL, USA, 12-16 December 2022
  • Ongdas, N., Stefan, C., Sallwey, J., Fuchs, L., Fuchs, K. (2022) Climate resilient urban water management through application of nature-based solutions. Presentation at the CLIENT II-Stakeholder Conference on “Green Innovations for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Central Asia” (CASIB 2022), Tashkent, Usbekistan, 18-19 October 2022
  • Ongdas, N., Stefan, C., Sallwey, J. (2022) Sustainable water management through application of managed aquifer recharge. Presentation at the International UniCEN Workshop “Field Crop Irrigation Technologies and Practices. Research, Extension and Teaching”, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 9 September 2022
  • Sallwey, J., Schlick, R., Cruz Bolaños, A., van der Hulst, L., do Nascimento, T.V., Cruz Bolaños, A., Stefan, A., Junghanns, R., Stefan, C. (2022) Capacity development on urban groundwater systems in Kazakhstan through MARPro, a serious game for managed aquifer recharge. Online presentation at the 49th International Congress of Hydrogeologists (IAH), Wuhan, China, 19-23 September 2022
  • Sagintaev, J. (2021) Sustainability of the urban and rural development in Central Asia. Online presentation at the IIASA Regional Conference “Systems Analysis in Eurasia”, Moskow, Russia, 13-15 April 2021

Project deliverables

Go to project deliverables

  • Sallwey, J., Ongdas, N. (2022) Hydrogeological characterisation of the project site at Taldykol lake system in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. TERESA Deliverable D2.1. April 2022.
    Download (PDF, 4 MB)
  • Stefan, C. (2022) Project website for outreach, dissemination and exploitation of project results. TERESA Deliverable D6.1. March 2021.
    Download (PDF, 2.6 MB)

Online seminars

Go to online seminars

  • TERESA Online Seminar No. 1 (3 December 2021)
    Lothar Fuchs (itwh)
    Resource saving – storm water management in urban areas
  • TERESA Online Seminar No. 2 (13 January 2023)
    Catalin Stefan (TU Dresden)
    Managed aquifer recharge: challenges and opportunities
  • TERESA Online Seminar No. 3 (17 February 2023)
    Catalin Stefan (TU Dresden)
    Managed aquifer recharge: worldwide examples and best practices
  • TERESA Online Seminar No. 4 (10 March 2023)
    Vadim Yapiyev (Nazarbayev University)
    Application of stable water isotopes in hydrology and hydrogeology of Astana region
  • TERESA Online Seminar No. 5 (5 May 2023)
    Catalin Stefan (TU Dresden)
    Web-based groundwater modelling (1): Introduction to simulation platform INOWAS


  • Project workshop with representatives of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, 17 May 2023
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  • Workshop at Nazarbayev University and official opening of research test field, Astana, Kazakhstan, 17 May 2023
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  • Workshop at the International Science Complex “Astana” (ISCA), 16 May 2023
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  • Meeting with the General Mayor of Astana, Mr. Zhenis Kassymbek, and representatives of city akimat. Astana, Kazakhstan, 16 May 2023
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  • Interim results of TERESA project discussed during public consultations in Astana, Kazakhstan, 15 May 2023
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  • UniCEN Program Workshop on “Field Crop Irrigation Technologies and Practices”, Kazakh British Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 14 September 2022
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  • Workshop and field trips for planning the implementation of research test field at NU campus. Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan, 21-23 August 2022
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  • Technical workshop with R&D Engineering at NU Technopark on research test field at NU campus. Online event, 10 March 2022
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  • Technical workshop with KaragandaGIIZ on hydrogeological characterisation of Nur-Sultan subsurface conditions. Online event, 16 February 2022
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  • Hybrid workshop with general project presentation at Mäslikhat of Nur Sultan City. Parliament offices, Nur Sultan, Kazakhstan, 18 May 2021
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  • Online workshop with general project presentation at Akimat of Nur-Sultan City (local government) and environmental service utilities. Online event, 29 April 2021
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  • Kick-off workshop of TERESA project. Online event, 15 March 2021
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